Spectrogon develops and manufactures Optical Filters, other Thin Film Coatings
and Holographic Gratings, for various applications and industries.
The headquarters and production are in Stockholm, Sweden.
Spectrogon develops and manufactures Optical Filters, other Thin Film Coatings and Holographic Gratings, for various applications and industries.
The headquarters and production are in Stockholm, Sweden.

Optical Filters
High transmission, high rejection outside the passband, fine surface quality and the coating uniformity gives our filters excellent performance. Range 400 to 14 000 nm.

Holographic Gratings
Our custom made gratings have high efficiency, wide tuning range, high damage threshold and are optimized for specific applications. Range 200 to 2 000 nm.

Thin Film Coatings
Custom specific coatings for various products; Wafer level packaging/optics, antire-flection, beamsplitters, mirrors and neutral density filters. Range 400 to 20 000 nm.

We help our customers with design and production of optical filters, procurement of filter wheel parts and assembly of the complete filter wheel. Range 400 to 14 000 nm.